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tertiary structure中文是什么意思

用"tertiary structure"造句"tertiary structure"怎么读"tertiary structure" in a sentence


  • 第三构架
  • 三级构造
  • 三级结构


  • The gross of government education consumption is not enough and the tertiary structure of the funds is unreasonable
  • Disulfide bridge in proteins , a covalent bond formed between the sulfhydryl ( - sh ) groups of different cysteine molecules . such bridges are important in stabilizing the tertiary structure of peptides and proteins
  • Predicted tertiary structure showed that thl2 protein possessed a domain , and the srk - binding site cppc is located in tertiary structure surface , which provided the spacial foundation for thl2 binding srk kinase
  • The secondary structures of seed globulins ( i . e . - helix and - sheet ) share many similarities and are highly conserved , which related with specific functions closely ; however obvious differences were observed in variable tertiary structures involved in general functions
  • In order to investigate the effects of ph , temperature , naf and bivalent cations on the conformation of the phosphatase in solution , we monitored the difference of intrinsic fluorescence of the phosphatase and compared changes of the enzyme activity under those conditions . the tertiary structure loosed and the intensity of fluorescence decreased below ph 6 . 0 . the intensity of fluorescence was lowest at ph 5 . 0 and the tertiary structure was reconstructed as the solution ph was increased
    其中在ph5 . 0及以下时,蛋白质的三级结构变得松散,荧光强度下降, ph5 . 0时尤为显著,而当溶液ph高于5 . 0时(酶的最适ph ) ,样品的荧光发射强度明显增加,表明酶蛋白受溶液酸碱度的影响,构象发生部分变化,部分trp残基向疏水环境移动,其三级结构得到恢复。
  • The fluorescence intensity of the phosph atase increased , followed by a decreasing process , in the temperature region of 40 - 90 c . the enzyme was inhibited by naf significantly and the fluorescence spectra of the protein were influenced obviously by the concentration of naf . the data from our experiments showed that the bivalent cations can modulate the activity of the phosphatase but maybe is independent of the tertiary structure
  • Tertiary structures are developed in mesozoic - palaeozoic tectonic settings , the general framework is faulted depression faulted in the north and onlapped on the south and arch bounded by faults . they are controlled and affected by three sets of large successive - active faults ( nw , ne and nee strike ) , they are successive and segmented , with multiples types and zoning distribution
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